Creation 2009 – 2014
Theatre Show (frontal)
Duration : 55 minutes – For all ages
Circus is their everyday life, they know the codes and the language…more or less…sometimes they get lost between the dressing rooms and the stage. It’s there backstage, that the actors cross paths, wait, observe, their imagination on stand-by…bodies and objects come to life, creating a makebelieve world which entices you on stage. The unforeseeable imposes, fantasy emerges and the circus performers extricate themselves from these situations to get back into the driving line of the show.
One hour under the lights, a life on stage…
“Coulisses” is above all a poetic and sincere tribute to a profession, an activity, a passion, a way of life…
Collective creation by and with
Benjamin De Matteïs : acrobat
Morgan Cosquer : juggler
Mickaël Le Guen : acrobat
Etienne Manceau : juggler
Vincent Reversat : acrobat
Assistant Director Nienke Reehorst
Lighting Design Baptiste De Matteïs
Conception Sound track Charo Calvo
Head Lighting and Sound Technician Jeff Langlois
Production Lucile Hortala
PRODUCTION Company Sacékripa
CO-PRODUCTION/ARTIST RESIDENCY La brèche, Centre des arts du cirque de Basse-Normandie, Theater op de Markt/Dommelhof à Neerpelt en Belgique
PARTNERS Mairie de Toulouse / CG Haute-Garonne
SUPPORT La Grainerie, fabrique des arts du cirque à Balma, Espace Catastrophe Bruxelles, Ville de Maurens-Scopont